The Museum - Devlog 4 - Artwork


Have we ever mentioned where the artwork for The Museum gets created? 

Piskel is a free tool we use to make characters and objects with. This most recent push of art is actually for the final floor of the museum. We'll keep the theme to this floor a surprise, but maybe you can guess it? is also used for some of the bigger art pieces. Plus has a few more features than Piskel to make development just a bit faster.

Speaking of speed, this last push of artwork took 2 days to draft on paper, 4 days to illustrate on Piskel, and 1 day to export into Unity for arrangement (the engine The Museum is getting created on). Its not the fastest process in the world, but we try to meet in the middle on the quantity and quality of all objects. 

This is not a sponsored post for the tools mentioned, but just some insight into the instruments used in the development process.


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